Sheryl – one of Safeline’s Fundraising Volunteers who has chosen to not only walk/run the distance of The Cotswold Challenge to raise awareness and funds for Safeline but also cover the miles coming back as well- 204 miles in total over the summer.
Sheryl said ‘ I’ve been involved with Safeline locally as a volunteer for a number of years. I help out with their fundraising because I am so impressed with the free specialist support that the charity provides to survivors of sexual abuse and rape – for children sadly from as young as just 3 years old, up to and including adults. Safeline also run great educational and training programmes/activities in order to prevent abuse. ‘
Sheryl is aiming to raised £204 (£1 for each mile she walks) – can she double this?
If you would like to see more of her story or donate to her, please click her link