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Would you be interested in helping Safeline support those affected by sexual abuse or rape?

Would you like to arrange your own fundraising event to help raise awareness, of the great work that Safeline does, as well as raise much needed funds?

You would? – that’s brilliant, thank you!

Your fundraising can be however big or small you would like.  As simple or as complicated as you want. Aim to have fun and enjoyment while you are planning, organising and putting on your event. Rope your friends and family in to help you – many hands make light work.

You might already have your own idea on what to do to help Safeline – if you don’t, then here are a few that might help you…

  • Bake Sale (selling cakes and other homemade goodies)
  • Coffee morning (selling homemade goodies, hot and cold refreshments, running a raffle)
  • Tuck Shop (in your workplace or your community group)
  • Wear it Red (or another colour) for the day.
  • Book Sale
  • Quiz
  • BBQ
  • Raffle or Tombola
  • Darts or Pool Tournament
  • Bingo
  • 80s themed evening (or any other decade) – themed music, food and games
  • Fete (Face Painting, music, dancers, stalls, games)
  • Walk/Talk group
  • Sit/Knit group
  • And much much more

If you have an idea of what you would like to do for Safeline or are looking for ideas, please contact Safeline’s Development Team at to let them know your thoughts and they can help you out with promotional items as well as advertise your event across social media and our website. 

Remember some of these can be done on-line/virtual/zoom if you would prefer not to organize a face to face event as yet.

If you want to do something for Safeline but haven’t got a plan, please drop them an email with your contact details as they would love to discuss different ideas and how best they would work for you.  In the meantime, why not check out the Safeline Supporters Events Page to see what other people are doing.

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