Safeline had another magnificent market takeover day on Saturday. With the support of CJ’s Events, Safeline hosted a programme of musicians, magicians, singers, drummers and dancers.
The event was hosted by our superb volunteer MC, Clive Parker Skelhon; and supported with grants and donations from Warwick Town Council, Shortsteps, PSL Distribution Ltd and the Asda Foundation, Leamington.
It was incredibly generous of both the Mayor of Warwick, Cllr Parminder Singh Birdi and the Rt Hon. Matt Western MP for Warwick and Leamington to give up their time on Saturday morning to open the event.
We have had so much incredible support from so many of the local businesses and market traders, charities and community organisations. We are very grateful to Natalie from VegOutAndGetFruity who not only took our posters, but also convinced many of her fellow market traders to support the Safeline Raffle. Warwick Rotary offered their services to collect donations and Warwick Lions manned our tombola stall throughout the day. Our volunteers and staff manned our raffle and sales stall with the support of the Leamington Asda Community Champion, Jo Plaisant, and Rebecca Noonan from Bericote Properties Ltd.
Altogether, we raised £2,900 on the day to support survivors of sexual violence and increased awareness of Safeline and its services.
We are so grateful to all our photographers on the day, in particular Philip Coldicott.