Safeline’s Prevention Work with Schools
Safeline work with schools offering students support in the form of one to one counseling sessions, courses and workshops. We have seen the value of the work that we do in these schools watching the transformation that students go through during our time with the young people. However, it is always great to hear from others about the benefits of our work.
One school contacted us directly about how our presence is making a real difference to the lives of students, teachers and parents alike.
“I just wanted to express my gratitude for the support Safeline are offering some of our students and parents.
I have been extremely impressed on the following fronts.
1) The speed with which Safeline staff make face to face contact with students once they receive a referral.
2) The flexibility Safeline staff have shown in booking / rearranging counseling sessions for students.
3) The genuine concern for student well-being Safeline staff show.
4) The wide range of meaningful support that Safeline are currently able to offer. (This year, some members of our school community will benefit from – one to one counseling; a series of workshops for parents; and a course to support students thought or known to be vulnerable).
5) The lack of cost for accessing much of what Safeline can offer. School budgets seem tighter than ever. If Safeline had to charge full cost for the excellent service they provide, some of our most in need students would be unlikely to access the type of specialist support they need. Safeline and it’s staff work hard to bridge the gap between student need and the cost. Students in need are receiving support because of Safeline.
I only became aware of Safeline’s existence a few months ago. Had I known Safeline existed previously, I would’ve involved them in caring for our students earlier.
Safeline is making a difference to our students.” – Assistant Headteacher.
If you’d like to learn more about the work Safeline does with schools please contact Colin Walker using the details below:
Phone: 01926 402 498
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