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Warwickshire County Council have chosen to stop funding counselling support for people that have been sexually abused.  The service they commissioned to provide the support, Warwickshire-based charity – Safeline, will have to reduce the number of people it supports because of this cut.

The Government’s data estimates that 1 in 6 children have been sexually abused. Safeline’s data suggests that in Warwickshire, it is closer to 1 in 3. Every week, Safeline provides 282 children with hour-long, one-to-one support.

A child sexual abuse survivor who used Safeline’s counselling service wrote: “I have overdosed 3 times in the last 2 years and feel had I not found Safeline, I would be dead.”

This funding cut will reduce the lifesaving service Safeline provides to children and adults.

Unsupported, people who are sexually abused as children are six times more likely than others to try to kill themselves as adults. Warwickshire’s suicide rate is already 8% higher than England’s average (2019/21). Safeline’s support is vital.

A male survivor of child sexual abuse who used Safeline’s counselling service wrote: “Without Safeline’s support I doubt I would be here today to write about this experience.  Knowing I have their support and a meeting each week has allowed me to continue my life and learning skills to allow the past not to affect my future.”

Safeline’s CEO, Neil Henderson said: “Obviously, it is dangerous and heartbreaking that fewer people in Warwickshire impacted by sexual abuse will be supported because of this decision. With this cut, Warwickshire County Council is deciding not to support some of the most vulnerable people in society.”

Funding is essential to providing free access to support to victims of sexual abuse. Help Safeline support survivors by donating at:

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