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From time-to-time Safeline runs therapeutic groups. Our groups usually run for 8 to 12 weeks and might include therapeutic art making or writing. 

People who have come to our groups say that it can be life-changing to hear the stories of others and to share similar thoughts and feelings.  Groups are a good way to help you share the way you feel with others who have experienced similar issues.  Groups help you relate to others, can provide mutual encouragement, and reduce the feelings of isolation often experience by survivors.

Each group is run by two experienced facilitators.  You can talk to the facilitators before the group begins and they will explain what goes on and answer any of your questions or concerns.

On the first session, you will be invited as a member of the group to agree boundaries to ensure the smooth running of the group and to keep yourself and others safe.

In the following weeks you will cover topics such as how to create your own support system, developing coping strategies, how to respond to crisis and how to ask for help.

Each member is equal and valued.  Being in control of your recovery can be scary at first, you can join in at your own pace without pressure, there’s no rush.

We will advertise support groups on our website, on social media (follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter), or by posters and advertisements.

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