Leave quickly

I faced up to the sexual abuse I had inflicted on me

Following many years of torment, I faced up to the sexual abuse I had inflicted on me as a child and went to the police at the age of 32, some 23 years after the abuse began.

Reliving the abuse left me lost, suicidal and broke family ties.

My journey with Safeline has taught me many things but mainly the abuse was not my fault.  I have also learned how to deal with the torment that will always be with me.  I now know that other people’s issues are not mine to deal with and my mother is a witch.  I have been visiting Safeline for 3 years and, although a rocky journey, without their support I doubt I would be here today to write about this experience.  Knowing I have their support and a meeting each week has allowed me to continue my life and learning skills to allow the past not to affect my future.

Undoubtedly this experience has been the most useful and fulfilling counselling I have ever received.  The level of understanding and the fact I can say anything without feeling judged or misunderstood.  Getting the thoughts and feelings out has been one of the most important aspects of my visits to Safeline.