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Our Services

National Male Survivor Helpline and Online Support Service

A dedicated national service for men and boys affected by sexual abuse and those who support them.

Donate to support the Male Helpline

We provide dedicated specialist support services for male survivors of sexual abuse (adults, teenagers and children) and those who support them.



Donate to save the Male Helpline

National Male Survivor Helpline

Call 0808 800 5005 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm Saturday and Sunday: 10am-2pm

Male Survivor SMS Text Service

Text 07860 065187 (Texts are charged at your standard rate.)

Live Chat

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I call anonymously?

If you contact our helpline and prefer to remain anonymous, you can hide your phone number by dialing 141 before the helpline number. Please check with your network provider that this service is available with your mobile network.  We do not audio record live calls.

We recommend that when you contact us you do so in a private place and at a time where you will not be overheard or interrupted.

All the personally identifying information you give us will be kept confidential within our organisation unless:

  • You give us permission to share information,
  • The information is requested by a court of law,
  • There is serious risk of harm to another person, for example, a serious crime being committed such as terrorism, fraud, or a child protection concern.
  • There is serious risk of harm to yourself, for example, a plan to take your own life.
  • To read more about our confidentiality policy please click here.

Can I choose the gender of who I’m speaking to?

Our helpline services are delivered by male and female individuals. If you reach a call handler and you would prefer to speak to a call handler of the alternate gender, if there is one available we can transfer you. If in the event an alternative call handler is not available we welcome you to call back at another time, or, if you feel comfortable to continue the call with the current call handler, you are welcome to do so.

I was abused by a woman, can I call?

Yes you can.  This service is for male survivors of sexual abuse.  In 2024, 40% of new callers to the helpline had been abused by women. Some had been abused as children and others by adult women.

What if English is not my preferred language?

If English is not your preferred language we can support you via Language Line which allows people to communicate across different languages in a matter of seconds through a three way phone call with an interpreter.

If you want to read or hear this website in a language other than English, please click on the Accessibility Button at the top.

Can my partner call for support

Can I call if I’m in crisis or need immediate help?

Safeline is not a crisis service. If you feel you are in a crisis and need immediate help, please call the emergency services on 999, or speak to your GP. You can also contact:

Hear what our service users say about our support

I am a veteran survivor of extreme childhood sexual & other abuse, with dissociative identity injuries as a result. I am in my own company a great deal & need to talk openly about some of what I deal with day to day. Talking with any of the Safeline helpline team gives me contact with someone who has specialist understanding of survivor issues & is invaluable as a source of affirming support.’

I felt I could finally tell my wife; I can’t tell you how hard it was to make that step without your support; thank you.

Stopped me from self-harming. Helped me feel more confident in asking for help and support. Am grateful that living in Norfolk, I have been able to get support from a charity in Warwickshire.

At Safeline, I am heard, believed, understood and unjudged, particularly when describing the degrading and life-threatening abuse I encountered. Without Safeline, it is highly probable I would have ceased my life

I didn't think anyone would believe what my father did to me, I didn't want to believe it myself.  I kept trying to push the memories down and, but they were always there, and it took me almost 60 years to tell somebody.  It was a relief to call the helpline and finally talk about what happened to me.

Your service has stopped me ‘Committing suicide ... I am so tired of getting drunk and telling people who don't listen what happened

This helpline is the best resource for survivors in the UK. All of the people on the support line are very professional

Feels like I'm talking to good experienced, articulate people on a similar wavelength who are putting me first, trusting me and giving me confidence to trust myself and talk about what I need to in my way. Repeatedly excellent service.

This is the best helpline for male survivors of sexual violence that I have found. The people on the helpline are excellent and are really helping me. Thank you

I've been able to talk about things I've never talked about before and the support from Safeline has been the only ever consistent support I've ever had in my life

Your helpline is the absolute best, it is an incredible gift to have a male helpline

Service Use Policy

Please be respectful to the members of our team during your contact with Safeline.

Our teams work hard to support people affected by sexual violence and those assisting them. We have a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate and abusive callers and those who contact us via text, live chat or email, who may demonstrate any of the behaviours below:

  • Rude / aggressive /confrontational behaviour and language directed at the call handler
  • Not using the services appropriately or respecting the boundaries of the service
  • Any inappropriate and graphic sexual content, behaviour and language during the call
  • Facilitating or supporting in any way perpetrators of any form of abuse

(Please note this list is not exhaustive and serves as examples only.)

Any abuse towards staff or refusal to co-operate with any reasonable request from Safeline staff will not be tolerated and you will be politely asked to end your contact. Safeline services will be withheld from individuals who are deemed to be misusing the services in any way or who are abusive to staff. Concerns will be raised, monitored and escalated appropriately.