Please be respectful to the members of our team during your contact with Safeline.
Our teams work hard to support people affected by sexual abuse and those assisting them. We have a zero tolerance policy for inappropriate and abusive callers who contact us via text, live chat or email. These callers may demonstrate any of the behaviours below:
- Rude / aggressive /confrontational behaviour and language directed at the call handler
- Not using the services appropriately or respecting the boundaries of the service
- Any inappropriate and graphic sexual content, behaviour and language during the call
- Facilitating or supporting in any way perpetrators of any form of abuse
(Please note this list is not exhaustive and serves as examples only.)
Any abuse towards staff or refusal to co-operate with any reasonable request from Safeline staff will not be tolerated. You will be politely asked to end your contact. Safeline services will be withheld from individuals who are deemed to be misusing the services in any way or who are abusive to staff. Concerns will be raised, monitored and escalated appropriately.