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Sexual Abuse is shockingly prevalent in all communities.

The following statistics highlight the scale of the issue in England and Wales.

Only 1 in 6 victims (17%) of sexual abuse ever report their experiences to the police. Reasons given include fear of not being believed, self-blame, humiliation, and embarrassment. (Crime Survey for England and Wales 2020).

Broken down by gender, 3 in 4 men and 4 in 5 women do not report their experiences of sexual abuse to the police. As a result of the discomfort towards reporting, statistics underestimate the prevalence of sexual abuse in England & Wales.

Year ending Rape Cases Sexual Assault Cases CSA* Cases
March 2022 69,905 75,023 24,419
March 2021 55,652 49,844 22,260
March 2020 59,104 58,796 24,536
March 2019 59,921 59,509 25,126
March 2018 55,004 56,057 23,563

Sexual Abuse and Mental Health

  • 94% of rape or sexual assault survivors develop symptoms of PTSD in the first two weeks after the event. (PTSD UK)
  • 74% of under 18s who attend our Prevention & Early Intervention services have self-harmed.
  • 15% of people suffering with eating disorders have experienced sexual abuse.
  • 80% of clients accessing Safeline’s services present with suicidal ideation.
  • 65% of young people referred to our Prevention & Early Intervention service are neurodivergent or have additional educational needs.

Without Support

  • 51% of adult survivors of CSA experienced domestic abuse in later life.
  • 42% of adult homelessness is attributed to sexual abuse.