However, because of this, I have had dreams about it all week. These dreams tend to make me feel how I did when I the incident occurred and it really affected my sleep, I would start to get scared to fall asleep. All post-traumatic nightmares are different for everyone, mine are usually people I trust the most touching me without my consent and then lying to myself and everyone else.
I used to get them fairly often and they stopped after a while, although, evidently, they reoccur when I discuss my experiences. I get the same ones about my childhood every so often too. I wanted to discuss this today as I feel as though this is a massive part of the healing process and it can be very hard to manage at times.
Before I had a step-by-step plan, I used to force myself awake until I fell asleep without trying. I would do this because every time I closed my eyes, I would unintentionally picture previous nightmares and they would not leave my mind. If I woke up from a dream, I would also stress a lot and be very affected by them. I would be in a bad mindset and my mood would be low as it would be on my mind. After a while, I found a plan to get back into a better state of mind and calm myself.