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Safeline’s face-to-face services are available to people aged 3+ in Coventry and Warwickshire; and we offer online and telephone counselling to survivors aged 16+, who were abused before the age of 18.

Our services are designed and shaped by survivors, ensuring they accessible, comprehensive and integrated.

  • Safeline is survivor-led, with former service-users and survivors represented at all organisational levels, including Board. The survivors’ voice influences and informs everything we do.
  • We support survivors with compassion, empathy and professionalism.
  • Our services are free, tailored, and long-term.

It is never easy to speak out but Safeline provide the best support and brilliant services to help you during your journey to a happier place. I suffered from sexual abuse for years and always felt alone and confused. Safeline support in more ways than one to ensure that young people get the best out of their journey to recovery.  I want to thank Safeline as they didn’t just look at me as a victim, but more of a survivor and an individual.

Secondary School student