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Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol and Peer Pressure

It doesn’t seem to matter what changes are made to the laws around drugs and alcohol, they will always be accessible somehow. As young people begin to go to parties, hang out away from the watchful eye of responsible adults and meet new people the possibility of you coming across alcohol and drugs increases. It’s likely then that your friends will become curious and consider experimenting. So, what can you do when this is all happening in front of you and you’re not sure what to do?

Believe it or not, you DO have a choice in the matter and regardless of what your concerns are, your friends (your real friends) will respect you making that choice even if it differs from theirs.

You Have a Choice

Our philosophy at Safeline is not to lecture young people. We don’t like the idea of telling you what to do. Instead we want to give you all the facts, all the possibilities, the knowledge and the skills to be able to make the right decision for yourself.

Just because your friends, your family or the people around you are doing something, it does not mean you are doomed to that same lifestyle, those same habits. If we all did the same things, we’d be clones of each other and that would make the world an extremely boring place. You are your own person, and an awesome person at that. You have the ability and the power to make your own decisions and choices and by having the confidence and willpower to do that will make you a stronger and more respected person; a leader.

And if You’re Worried

If you’re worried about you or a friend you can talk to these helpful and friendly organisations below and of course, you can always talk to Safeline via phone, text, email or instant message: