YouTube is a social platform where you can follow vloggers who help you to learn new hobbies such as baking, creating arts, crafts or music and so much more. Learning isn’t a negative, however, following vloggers or the desire to be a vlogger can create some issues.
Watching videos on YouTube can become addictive, you may spend hours watching them until the early hours of the morning and time runs away with you. The lack of sleep you get may affect you mentally and physically, you may feel a lack of energy, feel demotivated and have a lack of alertness. Perhaps try and find something relaxing to do before bed such as reading a book or journalling.
Creating your own channel can also be positive. There may be something you feel passionately about and wish to share it with the world – but again, it can come with some problems. It may become a central point to what you do, meaning you neglect other things and other people in your life. You may become obsessed with the number of followers or subscribers you have and if this is low this may affect your mental wellbeing in a negative way.