Eric Hogg joined the Board of Trustees at Safeline in September 2018, initially with limited knowledge of the organization but a strong concern about the rising cases of rape and sexual abuse, especially the institutionalized abuse frequently reported in the media. While the learning curve was steep, Eric found it immensely rewarding to see Safeline positively impacting so many lives.
Although he lacked experience in the operational aspects, his extensive background in governance—gained through years of service as a school governor—along with his general management and HR experience, enabled him to contribute effectively as a Trustee.
During his tenure, Eric has witnessed significant growth and outreach at Safeline.
The organization has evolved from a small, local charity to one with a national focus, delivering support through various channels, including remote services enabled by technology. Being part of this transformative period has been particularly satisfying for Eric, especially working alongside fellow trustees who bring diverse skills and experiences but are united by a common mission. He continues to enjoy his involvement during this exciting time in Safeline’s development.
“The job will never be completed but being part of making life better for people is extremely rewarding, and I look forward to my continued involvement.”