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We provide dedicated services for male survivors of sexual violence (men and boys) and those who support them living in England and Wales.  We know gender identity is fluid for some individuals and when we use the term ‘male’ this includes cisgender (cis), transgender (trans) and non-binary identities.

Safeline is a person-centred, trauma-informed sexual violence support service. Safeline’s support is inclusive, free and tailored to the individual.

Since 1994, we’ve directly supported 100,000+ people impacted by sexual violence. The insight gained informs our deep understanding of how trauma affects survivors and enables us to develop and adapt our high-quality and effective trauma-informed practice — empowering individuals to cope and recover, ensuring:

  • Safety
  • Trustworthiness and transparency
  • Peer support
  • Collaboration and mutuality
  • Empowerment, voice, and choice
  • Cultural, historical and gender access

I would just like to say a massive thank you for what you have both done in helping me deal with what has been a very difficult time in my life.

Male Client

We work with male survivors of all ages, backgrounds and identities and can also offer support to the family and friends around you who have been affected by what has happened.  Our face-to-face services are available to people aged 3+ in Coventry and Warwickshire; and we offer online and telephone counselling to people aged 16+ affected by childhood sexual abuse in England & Wales.

Our service-delivery model is designed with users at the centre, and shaped by survivors, ensuring it is accessible, comprehensive and integrated — a ‘one-stop-shop’ for people affected by sexual violence. 

  • Safeline is survivor-led, with former service-users and survivors represented at all organisational levels, including Board. The survivors’ voice influences and informs everything we do. 
  • We provide comprehensive services that minimise the need for survivors to access multiple providers, as each poses a chance to re-traumatise. 
  • Our services are free, tailored, integrated and long-term.

Stopped me from self-harming. Helped me feel more confident in asking for help and support. Am grateful that living in Norfolk, I have been able to get support from a charity in Warwickshire

National Male Helpline and Online Support client

National Male Helpline & Online Support Service

Safeline operates the national male helpline & online support service for male survivors (adults and children) and those who support them in England & Wales. We understand how difficult it can be sometimes to talk about your experiences or to know how to find the words and to seek support. 

Our team of friendly professional staff are trained to work with survivors and will give you the space you need to go at your pace when you feel ready to talk.  We provide emotional support, guidance and information and can also help you find services local to you.

Safeline is independently accredited by Lime Culture for all its services supporting male survivors and is a member of the Male Survivors Partnership

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