Leave quickly

The calmness and non-judgemental attitude and also a calm surrounding. I want to thank the counsellor for believing in me and helping me to believe in me!

We know that LGBT+ survivors and victims of sexual abuse suffer the same trauma as non-LGBT+ people but in addition, experience specific barriers and concerns when considering speaking out or reporting abuse because of fears of homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

We understand from working with LGBT+ clients that they have often felt misunderstood, not listened to or their experiences have been minimised or ignored. They may have experienced prejudice and discrimination which has led them to stay silent about their experiences as adults and children.

At Safeline, we will listen and take you seriously, we will not ask intrusive, gratuitous questions and never make judgments.

Our ISVAs (Independent Sexual Violence Advocates) can help you understand the process of reporting and support you if you decide you want to report to the police or attend a sexual assault referral centre (SARC). They can also provide a range of practical and emotional support.  They will ensure that your views, wishes and needs are respected by external agencies that may also be supporting you.

Our Counsellors and Art Therapists are trauma informed and can provide a safe and supportive space for you to explore your feelings.

You can also access our National Male Helpline and Online Support Service or our Warwickshire and Coventry Survivors Helpline.